Saturday, November 10, 2007

jay lost his other, newer job...
we're not sure if its because of the kids or what, but it would seem that way. the guy wouldn't give a reason. he just said "its not a good fit." after only 2 months. this would be the day after jay had to leave work early to pick emmett up from daycare because emmett was sick. jay wasn't willing to work unpaid overtime. he wasn't willing to go out of town on a moment's notice. he left work every day after 8 hours to get his kids. he wasn't willing to be a corporate zombie slave.

the sad thing is i think this happens to a lot of people. people get fired because they have small kids, get pregnant, have a sick spouse, etc. and there isn't jack crap you can do about it because you live in a "will-to-work" state. meaning, you can be fired at any time, for any reason (for no reason, actually).

so the tables have turned. he is a stay-at-home dad and i'm making the money. its sure going to suck come january when i'm no longer doing this job, and i just substitute teach, and our family has no benefits. yup. sure will suck.

everything else has been so out the window these past 3 months. its been beyond stressful.

"when you look into an abyss, the
abyss also looks into you."

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Quick update and last post for a long while (probably)

I just wanted to give a quick update about our family and what's going on (in case anyone is still reading this). Below are some pictures of our garden today. we just picked about 10 lbs of tomatoes and are making sauce today. we are also putting in our fall crops today including kale, collards, beets, broccoli, spinach and a few others.

I am started teaching 8th grade science full time last week. i will be teaching through Christmas, then the woman whose maternity leave I'm taking comes back.

Its hard knowing that my kids are in daycare all day, but we found a wonderful person who is watching only 4 children to take care of them, and they are adjusting well to be being gone during the day.

Most of our environmental stuff continues, and has become habit at this point. Other things just kind of fell by the wayside and we've stopped. In general, we continue to reduce our waste and don't use disposable products, although not buying anything with non-recyclable packaging has proved impossible for us for the time being. Driving to work has become a necessity with dropping off and picking up the kids. Making stuff from scratch is pretty much out the window. We are saving water as much as possible and conserving energy by not using the dryer and things like that.

When December rolls around, we will re-evaluate how things are going...if we aren't enjoying this arrangement, i'll stop working at that point or just sub a few days a week possibly. Its nice that i can get my feet wet teaching, but know that its only 3.5 months and then i can stop if i want. Its kind of overwhelming teaching and being mom to 2 young kids, but i have a lot of lessons planned out for me already by the woman whose leave i'm taking, so that is much easier. I have a lot of support at the school also because I student taught there, and I have a lot of mentor teachers to draw from.

I am enjoying my students and looking forward to doing fun stuff with them this year. I do have a lot of mother-guilt about leaving my kids, but in many ways i'm feeling really happy to have my own thing separate from them. Elsie still has her school 2 days a week, so she can see her old friends. Emmett is eating a lot of food, and not relying very heavily on nursing right now (in fact, i struggle to get him to nurse most days because he's so interested in crawling around, exploring and trying to walk) so that takes a lot of pressure off of me. He is a very happy, easy going guy who takes well to people, and doesn't seem at all upset that I leave him during the day. I think it helps that his big sister is there to help with him. They really love each other.

So that's about it. Life is going to be very crazy for the next few months.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

freak out

I think "a big freak out" pretty much characterizes our mood in the past three weeks. Basically, Jay lost his job. Well, Jay got "fired" for very, very unjust and unethical (and probably illegal) reasons. If we were litigious, or even interested in thinking about his boss ever again, we'd probably have grounds for a lawsuit. But, as it is, we're just moving on. I'd type the story, but if I ever have to tell the story again I think I might suffer a boredom-induced aneurysm.

We spent 3 weeks stressing out, nail biting, applying for jobs, wondering, worrying, etc. In the end, Jay got another job that pays slightly less, but is going to be a great new experience where he will learn a lot (and not have a boss who is a huge b*t&h) . Simultaneously, I got a job at a middle school. Its a temporary job teaching 8th grade science, which is going to work out well for me. Its a good first gig teaching because a lot of it is mapped out and I don't have to set up a classroom or anything. But I will have to be the real teacher for these kids from now until Christmas.

We found a great person to take care of our kids at our house while we work. She is going to bring her two kids--age 4 and 18 months--as well.

I wasn't really ready to go back to work, but it seems like this is a situation where we will all pitch in and just do what needs to be done. I'm actually excited to get back into the classroom. I think a lot of me felt like the longer I wasn't working, the scarier and scarier teaching was becoming. This will help me get a job next year. Part of me wanted to use this whole Jay-getting-fired-thing to just say "let's get out of here!", pull up roots, do something crazy like go live in a commune or buy an RV and drive across the country or something. Honestly, what stopped me was that I'm so incredibly sick of moving that I think if I have to move again in the next two years, I will puke. We've moved 7 times since 2000. Yes, that's once a year. We just told our landlord we would be here for two more years (because of the whole rent-raise thing, he agreed to not raise the rent again for two years at least and insulate the attic), and like the next day the specter of moving reared its ugly head. I was offered interviews at far-away districts, but really couldn't stomach it. Maybe next year. We have a whole year now to decide if we want to move. Maybe jay will really like his new job, and it won't even make sense to move.

While all this was going on, garbage increased and I think in the last month and a half I have put the garbage can out twice, but I can't remember. We started eating tons of food from our garden, and haven't bought any produce (save some fruit and avacados) from the store in about two months. We are up to our eyeballs in tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, pole beans, summer squash, herbs, peppers, lettuce, broccoli and chard. I'm still a little stunned at how well the garden has done, despite our ignorance in gardening. The whole thing has made me wonder why in the hell anyone ever uses chemicals? If you just use some compost and water a bit, you get a crop. There are so many spiders and ladybugs and such out there, i haven't seen hardly any problems. Maybe a few veggies here and there get relegated to the slugs or whatever, but hardly any. I guess doing huge monocrops for profit is different from what we're doing, but still.

I have been hearing a lot on NPR lately about people doing more with local food, global warming concerns, concerns about consumption (esp from China) and things, it really seems like people are starting to take a look at their personal choices more.

Another nice thing is that with our new jobs, it is very easy for both Jay and I to take the bus to our respective jobs. Mine is a 4 block walk and a 15 minute ride. Pretty good.

Sorry for the lag in posting. I will do better. While this whole thing was going on, I couldn't think about anything else. I think that is why the earth is screwed while so many people live in desperate poverty. Its hard to think about something nebulous like the future or the earth when you are wondering if you are going to be able to provide for your family.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Why vegan?

Why did I decide to be vegan in the first place? Why would anybody want to be vegan? I've been thinking about this a lot, because after a one-year period during which I was not vegan at all, I have a new appreciation for the reasons behind being vegan, and why most people aren't.

I have a friend whose boyfriend started this website called "Vegan Represent". His whole philosophy is basically that a vegan who "reprazents" is a happy, healthy, whole, fun, interesting, normal person, and is a good representative for veganism. People would be drawn to this person, and want to ask, through the course of normal human interactions, "why are you vegan anyway?" or, as happened to me recently "what does it mean when you order your burrito vegan?" Then you explain to that person, and quite possibly that causes the person to consider what you have to say. This is in contrast to the often-represented stereotype of a vegan who is in-your-face, angry and sullen--and easy to dismiss. People also think vegan food is boring and gross, which could not be further from the truth. But I'll save that for a later date.

I have to admit that I used to be more akin to the latter rather than the "vegan represent" variety. I have seen a lot of things through the course of educating myself, and then working for Farm Sanctuary, that made me want to yell "HOW CAN YOU NOT BE VEGAN, YOU SELFISH JERK?!" Usually, when you yell something like that at someone, they tend to want to ignore you or make fun of you.

After spending a year eating dairy, eggs and even fish, I grew accustomed to these things. I stopped feeling guilty about it. I started thinking things along these lines: After all, everyone around me eats these things, and they are Good People, so it can't be totally evil. And besides, I'm sick of feeling deprived, left-out, etc. I like eating these things.

After a few months, I just stopped thinking about it. I just ate what I wanted, and what everyone else was eating (except beef, chicken, pork, etc.)

Contrary to what most people think, vegans are actually a very compassionate and forgiving bunch, on the whole. Most of my vegan friends were like "I understand. It's hard." I don't think anybody gave me a hard time. I think if they would have, I would have only become more entrenched in my non-vegandom. A vegan friend (the same one whose boyfriend runs Vegan Represent) finally called me out on it. "So, on your blog it says you are eating half-and-half. What's up with that?" I explained to her my feelings (I like eating these things, etc.) and a conversation ensued over email that I was going to post here, but she wanted to edit. It finally just got edited, but is really long and full of potty language. It's so long that very few people will probably read it, so I won't post it. Suffice to say, it hit very near the mark and snapped me out of it. I had been vegan for nearly 7 years when I stopped, so it wasn't some passing fancy on my part. It was really a part of who I was. Being a non-vegan never did stop feeling strange, like I was impersonating something I wasn't.

Another wise vegan friend of mine, in an earlier conversation, after assuring me that she understood my lapse, told me about her thinking. She said that she can completely understand why people aren't vegan. Its easy, it tastes good, and its not exactly like meat and dairy producers are trying to tell you where the food comes from. You have to seek out information about the problems with it. Most people just don't do that. She said that there are two ways of thinking about something. The first is "should" thinking, the second is "is" thinking. For example, everybody should be vegan. People shouldn't shop at Wal-Mart. VS "people aren't vegan, they do eat lots of animal products." "People DO shop at walmart". The "is" way of thinking recognizes things as the way they are. And it causes the thinker to accept reality: You can only control what YOU do. You cannot control anybody else. This kind of thinking helps with not being angry. Because if you are going around talking about "people should be vegan" all the time, you are bound to notice the reality that people aren't. They "should" but they don't. Can you see how that would make somebody mad all the time? To think that way? It certainly did for me. My motto now is "I can only control my own actions (and through my actions, I might cause others to follow suit.)"

These days, it feels good to go back to being vegan. I have stopped feeling like it is a deprivation because it is a choice. I don't say "I can't eat that." I say "I choose not to eat that." One sounds like i'm being prevented from doing something I want to do. The other sounds like I am making a decision, and have power. I can actually picture where the food came from, and then I don't even want it anymore. For example, my biggest weakness would always be some kind of sweet, like brownies at a party that have eggs in them. I would want them, and would try to justify eating them. Now, I just picture the chickens that had to endure horrible conditions to lay those eggs, and ask myself if I NEED that brownie. Of course the answer is no, I don't need it. And when I think about the animal cruelty involved, I can say that I honestly don't want it anymore, either.

I would like to think that most people just don't have the facts about their food, and if given the information they would choose not to support those practices. It is true that some people don't want to know, and hope that through willful ignorance, they can just keep eating what they like without facing the fact that they are contributing to some pretty horrible suffering in the process. I know that is how it was with my thinking: If I don't think about it, then it doesn't exist.

In the spirit of dispelling some of this ignorance, for those who would choose to know, I am going to include the following information. I know that many people won't read this, or won't click on the links. I can only say that just because you don't look at it, doesn't mean its not happening. If you feel like knowledge might make you "have" to stop drinking milk, for example, and you are afraid of that, maybe you should think about it. If, on the other hand, you educate yourself about where cheese comes from, and you are still ok with eating it, then you are doing better than most people who have no idea why someone would choose to not eat cheese. I say these things truly in the spirit of non-judgment, but with the hope that people can use this information to make informed choices, and make the world a better place.

Eggs: Come from chickens who are de-beaked, force-molted and live in battery cages. "Free range" and "cage free" are terms that have no legal meaning (unlike Organic, which has strict standards that need to be met and certified to be labeled as such), and thus can be applied to eggs that are produced in extremely inhumane conditions.

Dairy: The only way to get a mammal, like a cow or goat, to lactate is to get that animal pregnant. You then have to take the baby away from the mother, (IF YOU ONLY CLICK ONE LINK HERE, MAKE IT THIS ONE) so it doesn't drink that milk. The dairy industry thus has a huge surplus of baby cows that they needed something to do with. That thing became veal. Thus, veal farming, a practice so cruel that most people won't eat it, couldn't exist without dairy. It can logically be argued that you would do more to alleviate animal suffering if you stopped drinking cow dairy than if you stopped eating meat. The same is true for organic dairy.

Meat: This issue is more varied. In some cases, animals like beef cows, have a much better, more normal life, than a battery cage hen or a dairy cow. They are still killed, of course, but generally aren't packed into tiny cages until the final feedlot stage of their life. Pork is another matter. The sows that produce the piglets are living in tiny cages called gestation crates and it is a pathetically miserable existence. Pig factory farms are some of the worst kinds of animal farming. Chickens and turkeys raised for meat are usually housed in huge warehouses. They are "debeaked" and don't have much room to move around. Its a filthy, uncomfortable and sad life.

There really isn't any way to eat an animal product without giving money to somebody to do something (that I hope) most people couldn't do themselves because it would be too sad and awful. If you rescue a chicken and that chicken lays eggs and you eat them, that's pretty much the only humane animal product. Otherwise, where animal's bodies are used to make a profit, those animals get turned into things. We all know that animals feel pain. So when they get treated like a thing, rather than a being that can experience suffering (sometimes intense, incomprehensibly awful suffering), it is incredibly tragic. People, like vegans, who have found out about this, are understandably angry and sad about it because they feel alone and mad that nobody but them cares about the pain these animals endure.

I hope you can take the time to examine your habits, and ask yourself if you need cheese, eggs or meat. Or if you are making an informed choice about it. I'd be interested in your comments on what i've posted here, if you'd like to add them.

Cracked out

I made a huge mistake tonight. Namely, I ate a bar of chocolate (Green and Black brand) that was "coffee" flavored. I don't know about you, but usually when I eat something coffee-flavored, I don't really get a caffeine jolt from it. But this stuff, I guess, is basically chock-full of actual espresso beans. I ate almost the whole bar at like 8:30 pm. By like 10pm, I felt completely amped and jittery and crazy. I drink coffee every day, so it takes a LOT to make me feel like this. Granted, I ate nearly the whole bar, but, man! I laid in bed tossing and turning for about 2 hours. I finally just got up. 2 am! Damn! This really stinks because I am going to be tired and miserable tomorrow morning when the kids wake me at 7am. I still feel crazy and cracked out almost 6 hours after eating that thing. This is nuts. As I was laying in bed, tossing and turning, I realized that i never did write that "vegan manifesto" post, so I decided to do it now. Hence, my next post.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Breaking news! Fast food = really cheap, gross crap!

This may not be a surprise to some of you, but it was to me. Today I committed a simple-living sin and decided to eat fast-food. From the drive-through. Bless me father, for I have sinned. Its been my entire life since I last confessed. I partook of the environment-killing fast food industry. My penance is to eat nothing but organic brown rice and broccoli for 3 days, after which time I must sacrifice a small plastic item made in China.
Ok, so it was Burgerville. For those of you outside the pacific NW, its a smallish fast-food chain that prides itself on being of a higher quality than the Mcdonald's and burger kings out there. It uses local ingredients, wherever possible, which is pretty commendable. For example, they use only Oregon and Washington animal products, and local in-season fruits and veggies. Their food comes packaged in all-recyclable, unbleached looking stuff. I'm not saying they are part of the solution, by any stretch, but they are way better than Mcdonald's.
Anyway, I have eaten there before, and i SWEAR it wasn't that bad. Today it was so nasty, I was kind of amazed. How do they stay in business? I got the gardenburger black bean burger because its vegan, as opposed to the regular gardenburger. I got the local, walla-walla (Washington) onion rings. And a raspberry lemonaid (with actual local whole raspberries right in there). sounds pretty decent, eh? the burger bun looked like somebody sat on it prior to microwaving it or however they made it limp and yet also somewhat crunchy. the lettuce was basically cooked right onto the patty. the tomato looked very, very sad indeed. Although the onion rings and lemonaid were pretty good, I was forced to ask myself how on earth this sad-little microwaved-tasting thing cost $10 and change? Do people know that fast food is very expensive? Because I kind of thought that the whole point was that it was cheap? Maybe i'm missing something?
I'm sure you are all (yes, all 3 of you) wondering why I would assume a vegan burger from Burgerville would taste good. I guess I have high expectations. Actually, no, i just had AN expectation, and it was terribly misguided. How sad for me and my limp, limp, elephant-trodden burger. Its a frugal/simple living mistake I won't be repeating.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Eco 'air conditioning'

I fully admit that this might be common knowledge, but I swear from people's reactions to the cool temperature of our house growing up that not everyone does this. Everyone used to come into our house in the summer and ask "do you have air conditioning?" We didn't. We just did this (below) and it kept our house pretty cool.

At night open all your windows. Set up at least one fan (preferably in your bedroom) as an "exhaust fan" blowing out the window, rather than blowing air in from the outside. In the morning when you get up (assuming you get up before 10 am) your house is the coolest its going to be. Shut all the windows, Close all blinds and curtains (especially on east and south facing windows) and leave them that way all day. Our house can be up to 20 degrees cooler inside than outside. Around noon, turn on any indoor fans or ceiling fans to help circulate air. You will probably feel the need to re-open all the windows back up around 5 or 6 pm, at which point your house will be very stuffy and only about 5 or 10 degrees cooler than the outside. Even if you have real a/c this "technique" can make it so you don't have to turn it on until later in the day.

Many cities are facing severe energy problems from air conditioners. I realize that some people live in places where it is 120 degrees, and you kind of have to have a/c. in places like Oregon, it would be nice to have it about 20 days a year, but you can definitely live without it (it did suck yesterday when it was 101 in Portland, but that is rare...) Our neighbor turns on her a/c when the temp gets above about 70. it drives me nuts. your body's internal thermastat can readjust to different temperatures, so if you don't have a/c, in the summer 85 starts to feel not-very-hot. Just try to minimize your a/c use, and keep your thermastat kind of high (like 80 or more). A/C units are really hard on the energy grid (and the environment).

Friday, July 6, 2007


I found a few news articles backing up what I said about the fourth "celebrations"

From The Oregonian

About drunken idiots on the fourth

About how police and fire fighters are so freaking busy trying to stop idiots from killing themselves on the fourth

So I don't think its liberal claptrap or draconian to suggest that fireworks be banned. People are too stupid and need to be protected from themselves.

Oh, and my neighbors are out doing them right now. Happy 6th of July.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Party pooper

Ok, I'm going to be negative about one of our country's favorite past-times, and I really don't care if I sound like I'm bitter and jaded (which I am, but that's beside the point).

I HATE THE EFFING FOURTH OF JULY. Blowing things up is for morons.

In addition to the outrageous noise level (which pisses me off to no end) that starts about a week before and goes about a week after the actual holiday, it is horrible for the environment.

To quote (and slightly amend) another blog I saw: The smoke made by fireworks is densely sulphurous, highly acidic and contains a lot of greenhouse gases. Fireworks dump toxic metals like lead, arsenic and mercury into the atmosphere. Besides frightening animals, fireworks poison the environment in a way that is insidious and totally unnecessary. They generate tons of waste. Please limit the number you buy and use to a carefully selected few. Try using lasers, fountains, balloons and musical instruments to celebrate your country rather than turning it into a toxic waste dump.

Our neighborhood last night sounded like a war zone. It was insane. I didn't get to sleep until 3am and that really, really ticked me off. I ended up exchanging heated words with our neighbors. Some people are so inconsiderate. You live in a city. There are very old and very young people here and lots of pets, none of whom appreciate the insane racket you are making. If it was truly just one night, that would be one thing, but it goes on and on and on... and people doing it after midnight are just jerks. That is all there is to it.

I'm so sick of the American "self-entitlement" attitude (as exhibited by my jerk neighbors). You do not have a right to do fireworks. We have access to so many forms of entertainment in this country, but when it is suggested that we stop one (for very good reasons) such as fireworks, the circus, dog racing, etc. people flip out. We are entitled to do whatever we want! We are the greatest nation on earth! Blowing stuff up and generating tons of waste and being obnoxious and is the most American holiday out there.

The amount of fires set yesterday in Oregon is astounding. New York state banned all fireworks and it was AWESOME. It was so quiet on the 4th, you couldn't hear anything, except maybe a few sparklers. I wish Oregon would follow suit.

Ok, rant done.

Monday, July 2, 2007

On being "successful"

Looking at those week-old pictures of the garden, it's hard to believe how much it has grown in just a week. It is even huger, bushier and more fruitful now than in those pictures. In fact, I do believe in about one week's time we should be eating some zucchini and tomatoes.

I have been doing really well at not driving lately. I've been walking distances up to about a mile and a half, and really enjoying it. I have been walking Elsie to swim lessons, walking to parks (even further away ones), and walking to the store. I've been taking the bus more, too. I don't think we drove all weekend, actually. We spent a lot of time at home getting work done, true, but we have really minimized our in-town driving. I think the last time I drove was sometime last week.

At Elsie's swimming lessons, I was chatting with another mom who had kids in class there. Through our various conversations, it became obvious that she was shall I put this? Another socio-economic bracket (as they like to say at the Ed department at PSU. I guess it sounds a lot better than saying poor kids?) than we are. For example, her daughter goes to the private French-immersion preschool/K-8 school. Just out of curiosity, I looked up their tuition online and its a whopping $10,000 per year. So that means that they will spend $100,000 on their daughter's education before she even gets to high school! They have two kids, so do the math. You are looking at upwards of $400,000 before their kids are even in college.

Why do people spend so much money to get their child into a "better" private school? (I will discuss later about whether or not private schools really provide a better education than our public ones. Actually, we can discuss it now. No, they don't). I think people are compelled to spend huge amounts of money on their children because they really believe they are giving them a "leg up" in order to make them successful. I see people all over town wanting the "best" for their children, be this the latest gadget, or the expensive toddler music class (we got this music class for a Christmas present, and I was shocked to find that Elsie and one other boy were the only preschoolers in in the class. All the other kids were like 13 months old--babies! Why do parents think they need an expensive class for a baby to get a head start on music appreciation? bah!), the best private school, starting preschool at an early age, getting into a charter or magnet school, etc. But what is successful? For our children, or in life--how are we defining success?

Is it when our child gets into Harvard? Is the star athlete? The valedictorian? Wins the band competition? Gets a prestigious job? Makes a lot of money? Do we get to bask in their reflected glory?

I think these are the things a parent wants for a child usually without really asking why. For some reason talking to this mom last week, I had to stop and ask myself why. Why do they have a nanny, even when they are home? Why do they send their children to this extremely expensive private school where they learn an elite (but not very useful in America) language? Why do they live in the best neighborhood? Are their children on the fast-track to Princeton, whereas mine will have to "settle" for U of O (I mean, come on! At least go to OSU!) ? What do we really want for our children? What do I want for MY children?

When I stopped to consider this question, I reflexively answered "to be happy, of course!" As I'm sure pretty much any parent would. But I felt the need to go deeper. What if my child were happy never going to college, but working as a diesel mechanic? Would I consider my child a success at that point? I had to really stop and think, and I decided that yes, I would be happy about that. That I really don't care what my children choose to do, as long as they are truly happy. I mean, the real kind of happiness that so many Americans chase, but never seem to obtain.

And why do so many Americans continue to chase the elusive dream of happiness? I mean, its right there in our constitution. We are guaranteed the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness--not happiness itself. I really believe that the reason that so many Americans are miserable is that we have all--ALL--bought into the idea that material goods will make us happy. Even if we don't want to admit it. Deep down, it's there. We were raised with it. We were nursed at the teat of marketing and consumption. Nowhere does anyone say "Just be happy with what you have and who you are. Do it NOW. Just stop what you are doing and choose happiness in this moment." Just--stop. Stop trying to better everything. Stop trying to look a certain way, own a certain thing, get something done. Just be satisfied. Be completely satisfied with your life in this moment. It goes deeper than just defining success through material goods (and that includes money). The American definition of success and happiness rides entirely on things that are outside of yourself. Entirely on things in the external, physical realm (the good job, the nice house, the loving wife, the sweet car, the obedient children). Never on the simple act of just being. Just being who you are.

I am not a master of this mode of thinking, but I am trying. If my children can live that way, then I will KNOW that they have achieved true success, regardless of what circumstances their lives may take. When we stop the cycle of mindless consumerism, stop defining success and happiness as some kind of external thing that can be obtained (but hasn't been obtained yet!) we are setting our children up for true success, in a way that no $10,000 per year private school ever could.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Successful children

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Garden update

Our garden is doing awesome. We ate the first salad from our garden last night and it was so good. In the picture on the left you can see from front to back: spinach, swiss chard, lettuce, herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro), sweet basil, peppers, jalepeno peppers, peas. In the picture on the right from back to front: tomatoes and sunflowers on the right hand side, then broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts (if you think you hate them, you have never had them fresh--they are so good!), peas, carrots, strawberries (we got to eat 3 before the crows got to them), more tomatoes (romas, slicing, cherry), butternut squash, pumpkins, yellow summer squash, cantalope and the giant monstrosity there would be zukes. Oh, and a very sad, very tiny little eggplant next to the squashes. I've been told eggplant isn't very easy to grow around here, so I wasn't surprised when it didn't grow too well. Not bad for people who have no idea what they are doing, right? The only thing we don't have, but probably need to get in there right away is cukes. Elsie loves to help weed and plant. And a big secret is that kids love to eat veggies they helped grow.

Chemical cleaners

I emailed OXO because that is who made my travel coffee mug. I wanted to know what kind of plastic it was, and they emailed me back and said this:

There is no PVC in any of our food prep products. The interior of the
mug is made from Polypropylene.

Thank you,

OXO Consumer Care Center
So that would be #5. I'm glad to know it. I think its important that we let companies know that we are concerned about the way products are made.

I've been having a little slippage on the packaging front. I have found myself buying things that come in less-than-optimal packaging, such as those that cannot be reused or recycled. Our garbage amount hasn't increased a lot, but I still need to remind myself constantly about what I do and don't need to buy, and what alternatives there are. In the store yesterday, I almost bought two boxes of cereal because they were on sale, but then I changed my mind and bought the big bag of cereal that doesn't have a box instead. The bag still can't be recycled, but its better than twice the packaging.

So I have rid our house at this point of all "harsh", unnatural cleaning products. I really believe that anything can be cleaned with dilute vinegar. Anything that can't be cleaned with vinegar can be cleaned with baking soda. If that doesn't do it, vinegar AND baking soda will, or try using some Doctor Bronners soaps. They are REAL soap, not petroleum by-products. All the ingredients are now organic and fair trade. They have 18 or more uses when diluted including hand soap, dish soap, laundry soap, toothpaste, shampoo, carpet cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, etc. Its like the only cleaner you need. I personally wouldn't use it for toothpaste, though. It tastes gross. Baking soda works great for that. Here is a website with a list of recipes for safe, environmentally friendly cleaners for every use. Try the recipes out! Its cheaper than buying commercially-made products, too.

I got really freaked out by something I read about carpet cleaner. The last chemical cleaner I had was soap for our carpet shampooer (god, i wish our landlord would rip out that nasty carpet and put in some kind of hard flooring!!!!!!) and i cleaned our carpet with it, then read this thing about how carpet shampoo is horribly toxic to young children. Better for Emmett to eat dirt and dog hair off our carpet than eat that shampoo! Its horrible to think about. So i will now just put Dr Bronners in our carpet shampooer when we steam the carpet.

This website is really awesome--its where I found out about that carpet shampoo thing. Its called Children's Health Environmental Coalition (CHEC)
They talk about mitigating environmental risks for children in your house and outside of it. I could spend a long time looking at that website, as well as their parent website Even if you don't have kids, it has a lot of information about how to green up your house and lifestyle so you don't give yourself cancer when you are cleaning or eating.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Sometimes we dry our clothes on a rack like this. We also strung a rope between our fences in the back to line-dry that way.

Why I love to line-dry my clothes:
1. It saves energy
2. It saves money
3. It sanitizes and bleaches. It even bleaches out old stains. It works amazingly well.
4. The clothes smell "mountain fresh" without using a nasty detergent labeled "mountain fresh".
5. It is exercise, and satisfying manual labor (why do we let machines do our work, then pay for a gym membership to go burn energy on a machine?)
6. Elsie likes to help out.
7. It makes things last longer--it reduces wear and tear.

Garbage update

Today we are setting out our 32 gal garbage can for the first time since May 10. I'm not totally sure that we even set it out on May 10, but since we have definitely gone over a month at this point, we have easily reached our goal of only setting it out once per month.

The three recycle bins we have are for paper, plastic/aluminum/tin, and a separate one for glass. Almost all of our waste has gone into these bins (we have been setting them out weekly still).

So what is in that garbage can? What is not?

What is NOT in our garbage can: any recyclable container (plastic, even those that aren't curbside-able, we take to New Seasons to recycle--things like soy yogurt tubs, tofu tubs, etc.), glass, any paper product, any disposable item (save for the last of elsie's disposable pull-ups, we use hankies instead of kleenex, no paper towels, napkins, plates, no pads/tampons, etc), any food waste, any pet poo or cat litter (those get buried), any reusable item (such as margarine tubs that can be used as tupperware, plastic bags that can get re-filled at the bulk bin), any plastic bags (any we don't re-use have been recycled).

What IS in there, then? Plastic bags that are not reusable, such as those in boxes of cereal. I have really minimized my consumption of these things. However, we shop at a food liquidator because it is very, very cheap, and most of those products are packaged. So that is where those things came from. Pet food bags are in there--they aren't recyclable and there is no alternative. Bulk dog food doesn't work (we'd need to buy the whole bin). I guess we could make our own dog food but...yeah. I'm not quite there yet. Some disposable items that i can't find an alternative to such as Q-tips (any ideas?) , Lids to containers that are recyclable (you can't recycle glass jar lids, plastic tub lids, etc.) There is probably some other stuff in there that I am forgetting.

I want to try to go a month and a half before we set it out again...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fake Plastic Trees

So I was talking to a friend a few weeks ago, who was telling me about plastic products and how some of them are being shown to contain Very Scary Chemicals. I had heard about this in regards to baby bottles, but didn't pay much attention since my kids never really had bottles. Well, I have since also gone to the pediatrician (anyone who is counting out there, Emmett is still like 93rd percentile for weight, weighing in at 20 lbs 11 oz at 6 months) and she was mentioning the plastics thing again. I have been confused, but now I know the deal, and so I am going to share it with you.

I heard a story on NPR the other day about plastic water bottles. A shocking and sad statistic is that only 23% of these individual-portion water bottles get recycled. And these bottles, recycled, are just as valuable as the first-run versions! Everyone wants these recycled bottles. It is sad when there is such a demand for a post-consumer recycled product, but nobody is recycling it. Well, people shouldn't buy their water in freaking little bottles, either. I mean, really! You can bring a bottle with you and re-fill it, or if you don't like tap water, fill it at home. Bottled water is the biggest rip-off ever. Brands like Aquafina and Dolsane (or whatever they are called--the coke and pepsi bottled waters) aren't even "spring" water. They are just purified tap water. If you really can't do tap, then buy it in huge, re-fillable 10 gallon jugs. You can even get it delivered! I, myself, like tap water.

Ok, so back to the thing about how plastics are scary. Here is the deal: many plastics contain a chemical called Bisphenol-A or BPA. This chemical is an endocrine-disrupting hormone that probably causes cancer, early puberty, developmental delays in children, etc. There is evidence that this chemical leeches into foods we eat or liquids we drink from the plastics that contain it. But there is good news! Not all plastics contain it. Sadly, almost all baby bottles and sippy cups do. So the most vulnerable among us are the ones getting it. What is wrong with people? Why are we putting Scary Cancer-Causing chemicals in baby bottles?

So here is the break-down. Look at the bottom of your plastic cup, tupperware container, or sports bottle. If it is a #7, it probably contains BPA and you should get rid of it. THIS INCLUDES NALGENES. I know, i know. Its sad and horrible. We all thought lexan was the greatest thing ever. Plus, all those healthy people carry their Nalgenes with them wherever they go. But they are not safe. Especially not for hot liquids. I cringe when I recall that i have put coffee in mine on more than one occasion. #7 plastics are ok if they are labeled "bio-based" plastic.

There are several other kinds of plastics we should not use. We should not buy them because they should not be made. We do not want these Scary Chemicals in our environment, in our children's bodies. It is unacceptable to use these chemicals, and the makers need to know that.

#3 plastics: Bad. contains DEHA (di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate) which is known to cause liver cancer. With a name like that, you know you shouldn't be using it! Also found in cling-wrap. Don't use cling wrap. Especially don't microwave it! This chemical is now found in our air, food, water and bodies. Not ok. #3 is also PVC or polyvinylchloride. This is a bad, bad thing. We do not want PVC in our lives. If your children's toys contain PVC, please do them a favor and get rid of them.

#6 plastics: Bad. Contain styrene which is toxic to the brain and nervous system.

Again #7 plastics, Bad. So many studies show this. Get rid of it. Don't buy it.

Go look at your child's sippy cup. If it says #3, 6, or 7, get rid of it and replace with:

Plastics #1, #2, #4 and #5 are all OK. No known endocrine-disrupters. No cancer. They are still plastics, but they are less evil than the other ones.

If you need alternative sippy-cup sources, please check out this great blog article on the subject. There is also a company called "Born Free" that is making BPA-free bottles and sippy cups. I'm too lazy to google it. You do it! If you aren't sure because it isn't labeled, this quick test will let you know whether your stuff contains BPA--is it hard and clear? Or is it squishy or soft-ish and cloudy? If it is hard and clear (think colored Nalgene) it contains BPA.

Here is a full article about which plastics are ok and which aren't and more info on why they aren't ok.

While you are at it, get rid of your teflon pots and pans. Teflon is also a Scary Cancer-Causer.

We are slowly replacing everything teflon with stuff that is stainless steel. We are getting rid of all plastic things and using glass, stainless steel or the safer plastics.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

DIY (Do it yourself)

Wikipedia defines DIY as "a term used by various communities that focus on people creating things for themselves without the aid of paid professionals. Many DIY subcultures explicitly critique consumer culture, which emphasizes that the solution to our needs is to purchase things, and instead encourage people to take technologies into their own hands.

The actual activity of DIY goes back through the ages--since the beginning of time, people have used their own abilities and available tools and technologies to take care of their own needs, make their own clothing, and so on."

Doing things yourself often saves time, resources and money. Well, sometimes it doesn't save time, but it cuts down on waste and definitely is cheaper! My top eight list of things to DIY:

1. Buy grains and beans in bulk. Soak beans in water before cooking. Beans bought this way are SO cheap. Way cheaper than beans in a can. Buy all foods possible in their raw form. You have a lot more packaging and expense when you buy a box of rice-a-roni vs. just buying a big bag of rice.

2. Make your own cleaners. I'm going to post a list of recipes sometime soon. Basically, you can make a cleaner for anything out of vinegar and baking soda. You can make your own bathroom cleaner, laundry soap, shampoo, toothpaste, dish soap, etc. Its incredibly cheap and so much better for the environment than those horrible chemical cleaners. Bleach is the worst. Please, please do not use bleach. It is an endocrine-disrupting dioxin that has a very long half-life. It is horrible for human health and the environment. There are many alternatives to chlorine bleach.

3. Cutting your family's hair. With a little practice, you get pretty good. Jay has had to wear a baseball hat for a few days, but that is rare. Especially for little kids, a homemade hair cut is the best!

4. Grow your own food. Even if you don't have space, you can rent a community garden plot in most cities, or you can container garden with tomatoes, peppers, herbs, etc.

5. Make as much of your own food from scratch as possible. Making your own bread is so rewarding and fun. It only takes about 10 minutes of your actual time, the yeast do the rest. Cook from scratch as much as you can. For example, we make our own seitan (wheat meat), salad dressings, etc. Many things can be made in advance, then frozen or dried for later use.

6. Handcrafts. The best gifts are home-made and will be cherished for a long time. Things like sewing, quilting, knitting, clay/ceramics, crochet, woodwork, etc.

7. Car repairs. Some car repairs are pretty simple and you save yourself hundreds of dollars. Get a manual for your car off e-bay. You can at least change your own oil.

8. Home repairs/home improvement. I'll admit, I'm not the most knowledgeable about this topic, never having owned a home. But i've been told that with some good books and perhaps a class or two, it is very do-able.

Eating out...

In response to my brother Jason's question re: eating out and waste:
I think eating out produces a lot of waste, but that totally depends on where you are eating. Remember in "Supersize Me" when he showed how much garbage is made from a fast food meal? fast food and other highly packaged stuff is obviously very wasteful. There are ways to minimize your waste. for example, if you go to a burrito place, just have it wrapped in tin foil (which can be recycled). forgo the paper napkins, paper bag, plastic cutlery, plastic tub of salsa, etc.

The worst kind of eating-out containers are those big plastic boxes that can't be recycled. Ask for an "asian" style take out box. you can recycle the paper, just not the metal handle. As for eating-in a restaurant, it depends on the restaurant. Many restaurants are pretty efficient: they buy 50 lb bags of rice, 5 gallon jars of tomatoes, etc. They aren't (usually) opening like 50 16 oz cans a night. If you are eating off of normal plates, forks, knives, etc. Then you are probably not generating too much waste. The food, however, is probably (definitely, unless they specifically say it is) not organic, not local. Its mass-produced food from giants like ADM, etc.

Some places, like Burgerville, really try to get local ingredients. This doesn't necessarily translate into sustainable (ie, "local" beef, is still a huge waste of resources). You can always ask where the food comes from. You know, vote with your dollars.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

How the man likes to keep us down

Maybe this blog should be called "it's getting more difficult all the time" because sometimes that is what it seems like.

We just found out a few days ago that our health insurance premium is increasing $30 every month. I just love it when my insurance company sends me a letter: "just to let you know..." There's nothing you can do about it. Except go without health insurance. The kids and I don't get coverage through Jay's work, so we have to buy it privately. Nice, huh? I am not the only person that thinks that our health care system (or lack thereof) is going to destroy the middle class. A survey of people who filed bankruptcy in 2001 and again in 2005 showed that a full half filed because of a serious medical problem. Of those that filed because of health problems, 75% had health insurance. That is how sucky our health insurance problems are. Even if you are covered, if you get really sick, you are SOL. If you don't have a job that pays for insurance, you are screwed as well. Or maybe your boss just doesn't think they should have to shell out for your wife and kids. I'm personally really looking forward to Michael Moore's new movie about our pathetic health care system.

Then, today, we found out that our landlord is increasing our rent $100. That would be a 12% increase. Way more than inflation. And its not like this represents some increase in costs for them. They just want to make more money. Meanwhile, people like us struggle.

Oh, and PGE has announced that electricity rates are going up.

These aren't like luxury items. One kind of needs a roof over one's head. Portland used to be a very affordable city, but I guess that is about to change. Lord knows the houses to buy are way too expensive for the average first-time home buyers now. Basic items like food, shelter and health insurance are becoming expensive at a rate much faster than pay can keep up. Its just another way that people get stuck on the debt treadmill. What was congress' response to this problem? Make it harder, impossible really, for people to use their last resort: bankruptcy. People who have to do this are treated like deadbeats, but really, half of them just got sick.

Its just all so annoying. Sometimes I swear, I wish I didn't have to live in this society. If anyone out there says "love it or leave it!" I will say: ok, leave it. I'm sick of america and its stupid problems that nobody will do anything about. blah! can you tell that i am in a bad mood about all of this? Maybe I should go bomb somebody to make myself feel better. I hear Iran might make a good target.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Top 10 lists

Top 10 best things we have done to simplify and reduce our impact so far...(if you want more info on how to do these things, go back and read the earlier posts in May)

1. Drastically reduced our waste.
we have yet to put the garbage out to the curb. in fact, we had one 13 gallon kitchen garbage can unfilled for over 2 weeks. much of this garbage was stuff from before we started all this. there were a few things that went in there that could have been minimized: two food take-out containers, some wrappers, etc. But I have made a very conscious effort not to buy anything that comes in packaging that can't be reused or recycled. I have only used bulk bin plastic bags (over and over), glass jars, tin cans, plastic bottles and tubs that are recyclable. We have to take our #2 and #5 plastic tubs (like margarine tubs) to the store, because they can't be recycled at the curb. I haven't bought anything like crackers or cereal that come in a bag in a box. It hasn't been as hard as I thought. sometimes, it just comes down to "i am not going to buy this" because of its packaging. I have never done that before, so it is something I have to think about consciously.

2. Re-going vegan. The lower you eat on the food chain, the less you pollute, the less carbon you emit, the less waste you produce.

3. Not buying anything new. We haven't (other than those cloth diaper covers for elsie and the computer router that jay got). The amount of stuff we consume is destroying the earth. Plus, i've gotten some killer deals at garage sales lately!

4. Drastically reducing our energy consumption with a few very simple changes: line-drying laundry, washing laundry in cold water, using compact fluorescent bulbs for all lights, leaving things off when not in use (even if you just are out of the room for a short time). these things really make a difference.

5. Not buying anything disposable. No more paper towels, paper plates, napkins, tampons/pads (check out the Diva cup, Moon Cup or Keeper for more info. there are also lots of cloth/reusable pads out there), very little T.P thanks to "family cloth", no juice boxes, no individually-wrapped granola bars. Nothing that you just use once and then throw out.

6. Switching our household energy to green power.

7. Reducing our use of the car. We are working on selling the old car. We are using the bus and walking a lot more. We are grouping our trips together, and meal-planning so we only have to food shop once a week.

8. Stopping the junk mail.

9. Composting all food waste.

10. Localizing our food. I have made a big effort to not buy any produce from further away than Washington, California, and in a few instances, Mexico. Almost everything has been organic. We are also getting really excited about our garden, which is already growing so fast. In just a few weeks we will be eating our own zucchini, lettuce and tomatoes. I can't wait! Some things are just insane: don't buy apples from new zealand. Don't buy pine nuts from china (i think they ALL come from china). Don't buy turkish apricots--they really are from Turkey! We have enough food choices without shipping food across the globe.

Top Six Things That Have Been the Hardest...
1. Reducing use of the car. Sometimes, I want to take the bus, but its such an effort I just can't do it. Getting two kids and our stuff on the bus, especially if we need to transfer, walk a long distance, etc. Is just too much for me. Just a trip across town, a 45 minute bus ride, is scary to contemplate with two kids in tow. We are looking for a bike trailer, but I'm not really comfortable with Emmett riding in it for long distances. Our entire country has been set up with one thing in mind: the car. It is hard to imagine living without one. But we have reduced our use and become more efficient with it.

2. Not buying food from far away. Sometimes, you just don't know where food comes from. Maybe it was "made" in california or something, but where are the ingredients from? Unless you write to the company, you can't know. They probably don't even know, because it probably changes. It makes it pretty hard to buy some things local, like crackers, pasta or things like that.

3. Not making waste. Not making any waste would mean never, ever buying some things again. Maybe some day I can give up things like crackers (or maybe I could make my own?), certain kinds of cereal, etc. I have stopped shopping at Trader Joe's. They only have a few things that meet my criteria now. Almost everything there is completely over-packaged. It just makes my skin crawl to buy bell peppers in a non-recyclable plastic container with a styrofoam tray under it. What I need to do is write to companies and ask them to reduce their packaging. Why does cereal have to come in a bag in a box? It's so unnecessary.

4. Not buying "stuff". Although we haven't been shopping at the mall or anything, we have picked things up at garage sales and goodwill. I still feel the desire to consume stuff. To "solve" a problem with buying. I think I am done for a long while, but it seems like sometimes I just feel the need to buy something. I think we are conditioned to do this.

5. The difficulty with vegan vs. our goals/the environment. Sometimes, to be vegan, you need a certain product that you can't get just anywhere. What if that product is overpackaged (a LOT of vegan things have really awful packaging that is unnecessary or not recyclable, etc.) Some days I feel really restricted. I try to remind myself that I have so many choices and so much privilege that we think we are entitled to things, when really we are just used to them. So i can do without.

6. Taking short showers. Ok, so I love to take long showers. But I'm working on it, really! I justify it because now that I have two kids I only get to shower like twice a month. Ok, not really, that's an exaggeration. Four times a month, at least.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

I'm also a bread-machine

So I made bread on Friday. I've always thought that bread must be pretty hard to make. But I'm a novice and I did it, and it turned out pretty well. It doesn't take very much time. It needs time to rise, but the mixing and stuff is pretty easy. I got the recipe from an old hippie 70's vegetarian cookbook called Laurel's Kitchen. Its actually a great cookbook, back from the days when there were no fake meat products and vegetarians ate foods in combination (to form complete proteins such as corn and beans, rice and beans, etc. as per Diet for A Small Planet) a practice that has been proven to be unnecessary. But it still has great recipes. The introduction to the cookbook, which I had never read until now, talks about all of the things this blog is about. It talks about the need to reduce consumption, and to live more simple, fulfilling lives. It talks about the life of a "housewife" and how it could be interesting and creative (ie, making your own bread, knitting, etc) or dull drudgery such as using a bunch of machines. I just thought it was interesting.

I tried to find a similar recipe to what I used online, but couldn't find anything. Basically, all you need is a tbsp of brown sugar in a bowl of 2.5 cups (i think...i need to double check the amount) 100 degree water. then add a tbsp of active yeast. Then when it fizzes, add 3 cups whole wheat flour (stoneground is healthiest) and mix. add a tbsp of salt. then add 3 more cups of the flour, one cup at a time. when it gets doughy, take it out and put it on a floured surface and knead it. then put it in the bowl to rise. cover it and let it sit for a few hours until it doubles in size. take it out, put it in two oiled bread pans (divide it in half) and really push it down into those pans so there isn't any air trapped. then let it rise once more. preheat oven to 375. when its all the way risen and the oven is warmed fully, bake it for 40 minutes. it should have a hollow sound when you tap it after taking it out. that's about it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm a soy-milk makin' machine

After our soymilk maker met an early demise (a very early demise) I stopped making it. I guess I figured you can't make soymilk without a machine. Much in the same way I figured out how to cook rice on the stove after our rice cooker broke. Oh, and it turns out you can also make bread without a bread machine. Isn't that crazy? And they all turn out great. A saucepan can't break, but rice-cookers and appliances of their ilk are so cheaply made, they break all the time. What a waste.

Anyway, today I made some and it turned out great. Here is how you do it:

Soak 1 cup dried soybeans in 3 cups water overnight in a large bowl.

put 1/3 of them (after soaking) in a blender with 3 cups BOILING hot water. Don't let it sit, take it right from the whistling kettle or rolling boil in a pan and dump it in the blender.

Blend 1-2 minutes.

strain out (you need a fine-mesh strain or muslin bag) into a small sauce pan.
Repeat this process 3 times until all of the soybeans are used. You can strain-as-you-go with the stuff from the blender. Put this saucepan inside another larger saucepan with water in it and boil it (so you don't burn the milk). Cook like this for about 30 minutes unlidded. stir occasionally.

Add malted barley or brown rice syrup. Add a pinch of salt. You can fortify with calcium carbonate or B12 if desired. Put in fridge. Makes about 10 cups soymilk.

Yummy! And cheap as heck. One cup dried soybeans costs like 30 cents or something.

Also, you can take the strained-out soybean chunks and make a thing called okara. It has a million uses. For example, mixing it with nutritional yeast and spices you can form it into patties and fry it and it makes a really yummy burger. You can also use it to fortify breads, soups, etc.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

To be, or not to be...vegan

This post is being currently edited by my friend "C" who is a big lameo and professes not to care what other people think, but actually does (ha ha, its ok, you know i love you anyway). i guess she doesn't want people to know that she says the "f-word" in real life. even though we all know she likes to rip the arms off of minotaurs and beat them to death with their own severed appendages.

i will re-publish this conversation about veganism after she's done censoring it in a manner akin to Stalin.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.

Our goals after a week or so...what's working? what isn't? what's hard? what's easy?

Reduce waste: we have made very, very little waste since we started this. About 1/2, or not even half, a 13 gallon can. Most of our trash has come from packaging from things we bought before we started this. And disposable diapers. But I have already purchased 2 cloth pull-ups for elsie to wear at night, so there won't be any more of that. Easy to do: buy in bulk, only buying recyclable or reusable packaging, using cloth bags to shop, composting, not buying single-serving items (well, we did buy some ice cream bars last night. i realized after the fact about the packaging. some habits die hard!), stopping junk mail, using cloth toilet paper. no, really! its ok! i swear, its not gross. it has reduced our TP consumption a lot. We only went though one small roll last week. It has made me more aware of our TP consumption overall.

Using less electricity: this is pretty easy, too. turning stuff off when not in use, unplugging stuff when not in use, switching to wind or other renewable power, line drying clothes (6 months of this saves 700 lbs of carbon from going into the air!), compact flourescent bulbs. we haven't tried the no-fridge thing (since its summer now).

Driving car less. Yes, but its hard. I shopped one day. Another day we planned to bus to meet friends at a city garden. Well, a wheel fell off our stroller (so we have to fix it! can't buy another one.) then we missed the bus. And i didn't know how to do it with a stroller with 3 wheels. So we drove. Other than that, we have been walking. Jay has been driving to work this week because of working long hours, but that wont be the case next week. It is hard not to drive. I need to work on the bus habit. I enjoy walking (especially when the weather is nice). When you aren't in the habit, the bus is daunting.

Food: Ok, so the 1000 mile limit isn't all that realistic. We can get some staples like olive oil and rice from California, I think. We were at the co-op and there were these bulk organic cracker things. They were made in PA. What to do? I bought them. I bought apples instead of mangos (dried) though. So we will try to buy local, whenever possible. And organic. Mostly everything we ate this week was organic.

Not buying stuff, especially not new stuff. Ok, so I bought those cloth diapers, but of course if I didn't buy those, i would have been buying more disposable ones to use and throw away, and these wont get thrown away. So, yeah. Also, Jay bought a router for our cable internet. We talked about it, and he had been planning on buying this for a long time, so our laptop (that a friend just long-term loaned us) can be on the internet at our house. That's it. I bought a pair of shoes and a shirt at a garage sale (total: $3.50). Our cousin bought Elsie a train table at a school fundraiser garage sale because it was $40. We need to get rid of stuff to make room for it.
Here is an article about "the compact": the pact to not buy anything new for a year

Water: yes we have been taking short showers. We dont shower every day (no, we aren't stink hippies). The yellow leave it mellow is working out ok. It starts getting stinky at some point and gets flushed. One thing I am going to start trying is reclaiming greywater. Taking old bathwater, water after washing dishes, and water after washing laundry, and using this to water flowers and in the garden. Someone gave me this idea, and i thought it was great. why not use the kid's bathwater to quench the irises?

That's about it. Thinking about choices more. Thinking about habits, trying to do things more consciously. Asking "do i need that?" and usually answering "no".

Time is money

This will be my last rant-n-rave for awhile here. So many ads and things claim their product is "eco-friendly". I was at home depot a few weeks back (I know! we aren't going there again. we needed sand for a sandbox) and a sign there said "Improve your home. And the environment." Ok, look. You can't IMPROVE the environment by buying anything. Ever. All you can do is make things less bad for the environment. No car is environmentally friendly. Some are just less horrible than others. I think we like to think our hybrid vehicles are "good" for the planet. But we need to remember that they aren't. They are bad. Just not as bad as a Hummer.

My next idea I've been thinking about lately is this: to live, one needs to work. I don't mean like drive to an office and do a job. I mean "work" as in, make food, clean clothes, repair dwelling, get water. That kind of thing. Many of us go to a job, and then buy convenience items because we "don't have time" to do things the "hard way". For example, people who have young children and work use disposable diapers. They don't have time to wash cloth diapers, dry them, fold them, etc. (it takes like no time, but that's not the point). They don't have time to cook from scratch, so they buy a $3.49 loaf of organic bread. They don't have time to take the bus, so they own a car and spend money on it to drive to work. When you don't have a job, you can save a lot more money (and you know, a penny saved is a penny earned). Of course you need some money. I'm just looking at the facts that our generation works more hours than any other generation in history. Almost all families have two income-earners. We also have more "convenience"-items than any other generation. And we have less free-time. Our kids are more scheduled.

So...less time, more stuff, more disposable stuff, more stuff with planned-obsolescence so we have to buy it again and again, more work, less family time, more time in a car, more stress, more choices that are bad for the environment...

I wonder if more frugal, simple-living could eliminate the need for a second income (unless you make like six-figures or something, in which case you probably aren't too interested in simple-living). Like, I was thinking about working 2 or 3 days a week substitute teaching starting next fall. Its like $150 a day! That would come in real handy! But wait, if I am working, then I need to pay somebody to watch my kids. So that's like $60 or $80 a day right there that i don't earn. Then I need to keep owning my car. That's $400+ a month that i could save if we get rid of it. Then I am not meal-planning and cooking from scratch and we are spending more on food, so that's money not saved. Then I'm too tired to hang up my laundry, so I use a lot of energy and money drying my clothes in the dryer. Then I buy a lot of over-packaged convenience foods from Trader Joe's that cost a lot so I don't have to cook. And on and on. So, like, am I actually going to come out ahead if i work part time? It doesn't really seem like it. If I am baking my own bread right now, cloth diapering, not buying new stuff, working on going without the car, etc.

What if we did even MORE of our own work? Who has time to, for instance, make your own clothes? Do their own repairs? Make their own soap? Who has time to not have plumbing, but draw their own water and live off the grid? Who has time to take the bus, walk, or ride a bike everywhere? Who has time to grow their own food? Make pasta from scratch? Eat dried, bulk beans instead of buying them canned? Who has time to even hand-wash their clothes in a basin? Who has the time to not own appliances of "convenience" such as a microwave, salad tosser, washing machine, dryer, or vacuum, etc.? A person who doesn't have a "real" job has the time to do these things. And doing these things would probably save you $20,000 a year or more. Enough to be, well, a full-time job! This is the kind of work people used to do to live. The kind of work you need to do to maintain a life...before there was such thing as a "job" or "office" to go to...

I'm just thinking out loud. I'm not saying we should do these things. It just strikes me how we buy things to make our life more "convenient." But if we didn't work so much, we wouldn't need to try to "save time", so we wouldn't need to buy things, so we wouldn't have to work to buy them...
How many hours do you need to work to buy a dryer? Or for the electricity to run it? How many hours of work do you need to do to buy a big TV? Or a microwave? Or a fancy laptop? Or a Blackberry(TM)? Or a car, and the gas and maintenance it needs to run? Or somebody to fix your roof? Or a new hot-water heater? Or new clothes for your job? New shoes? A new lawnmower?

I don't just seems like less work and more free-time and less stuff is all intertwined.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New American Dream

I just wanted to post this website that a friend sent me that really sums up a lot of these ideas.
Its I have spent a lot of time looking around it, there is so much on there! The only thing I thought was kind of lame was the junk-mail reducing thing. They want you to pay $41 to do it. I paid $2 to remove both jay and i from the DMA (direct marketing ass'n) and i called a 1800 number (for info on that, see the entry "simple ways"). That's it. That is supposed to stop like 80% or more of your junk mail. So don't pay $41. Pay $2 and do it yourself. Otherwise, the website is awesome.

10 things to never buy again

I think part of the difficulty I face with my goals is a total 180-degree shift in thinking required when it comes to convenience. It has never before in the history of man been easy or convenient to transport oneself 10 miles. Until the early 1900's, the only way to get there was by foot, by horse, or by boat. Only in the last 70 years or so could anyone even dream that going 60 miles is a short trip that is no big deal. Heck, some people do it every day for their commute.

My point is this: When we examine the things we aren't willing to give up or change its often because we feel a sense of entitlement. Like, well, I have to have my (insert thing of convenience here). Thinking about the course of history, has anyone at any time in any location ever had the kinds of choices and privileges that we have? Of course not. I think that we will be forced to give up many of these things as we see cheap oil become a thing of the distant past. So, if we will be forced to give up our convenience items (an easy drive to wherever, a piece of fruit in the middle of winter from a far away country, a coffee from Starbucks each day, a cheap flight somewhere) why not try to give them up now, and find another more sustainable alternative? Humans have the nasty habit of waiting until AFTER they have smashed into a brick wall to make some tough decisions. It is a lot less painful to change course before the smash happens.

So when I think "but I won't be able to easily get over to my friend's house if I don't drive"--well, maybe I shouldn't be able to get there so easily. Maybe I have only been reliant on a false easyness-- one that has been subsidized by the environment of future generations.
Maybe I should have to curtail my activities, or at least take longer to get there. Maybe we shouldn't be living 40 miles from our jobs. Or eating mangos. I should be forced to pay more money for shade-grown, fair-traded, organic coffee. And I should do it now (and I do, ok?!!?)

We need to look at the things we need and the things we "need" and ask ourselves: can I do without? Am I willing to pay a very large sum of money for this if I'm not? Because that is the real cost of it. If you aren't willing to pay $10 for a piece of beef, then you shouldn't eat it. Because that is the piece of beef with the environmental damage, greenhouse gas emissions, loss of antibiotics for actual diseases, illnesses with e. coli treated, and so forth, built into it. Am I willing to pay $10 a gallon for gas to drive over to my friend's house? (Depends on which friend, right? )

Some habits are hard to change. Some are easy. Such as: Never buying anything listed on the list below ever again. Do you have a "right" to use paper towels? Of course not. 150 years ago no such thing could have even been dreamed of. So let's all do a 180 and ask ourselves if we can give up some conveniences. We aren't entitled to them, we're just used to them.

1. Styrofoam cups
Styrofoam is forever. It's not biodegradable.
Alternative: Buy recyclable and compostable paper cups.
Best option: Invest in some reusable mugs that you can take with you.

2. Paper towels
Paper towels waste forest resources, landfill space, and your money.
Alternative: When you do buy paper towels, look for recycled, non-bleached products. Search the National Green Pages for recycled paper products.
Best option: Buy dishtowels or rags to wash and reuse.

3. Bleached coffee filters
Dioxins, chemicals formed during the chlorine bleaching process, contaminate groundwater and air and are linked to cancer in humans and animals.
Alternative: Look for unbleached paper filters.
Best Option: Use reusable filters such as washable cloth filters.

4. Overpackaged foods and other products
Excess packaging wastes resources and costs you much more. Around thirty three percent of trash in the average American household comes from packaging.
Alternative: Buy products with minimal or reusable packaging.
Best Option: Buy in bulk and use your own containers when shopping.

5. Teak and mahogany
Every year, 27 million acres of tropical rainforest (an area the size of Ohio) are destroyed. Rainforests cover 6% of Earth’s surface and are home to over half of the world’s wild plant, animal, and insect species. The Amazon rainforest produces 40 percent of the world’s oxygen.
Alternative: Look for Forest Stewardship Council certified wood.
Best Option:
Reuse wood, and buy furniture and other products made from used or salvaged wood.

6.Chemical pesticides and herbicides
American households use 80 million pounds of pesticides each year. The EPA found at least one pesticide in almost every water and fish sample from streams and in more than one-half of shallow wells sampled in agricultural and urban areas. These chemicals pose threats to animals and people, especially children.
Alternatives: Buy organic pest controllers such as diatomaceous earth.
Best Option: Plant native plants and practice integrated pest management. Plant flowers and herbs that act as natural pesticides.

7. Conventional household cleaners
Household products can contain hazardous ingredients such as organic solvents and petroleum-based chemicals that can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into your indoor environment, positing a particular danger for children. The average American household has three to ten of hazardous matter in the home. Don't use bleach in your home.
Alternative: Look for nontoxic, vegetable-based, biodegradeable cleaners.
Best Option: Try making your own green cleaner using vinegar, water, and castile soap.

8. Higher octane gas than you need
Only one car in ten manufactured since 1982 requires high-octane gasoline. High-octane gas releases more hazardous pollutants into the air, and may be bad for your car.
Alternative: Buy the lowest-octane gas your car requires as listed in your owner's manual
Best option: Make your next car purchase a hybrid. Or ditch the car and take public transportation, ride a bike, or walk.

9. Toys made with PVC plastic
70% of PVC is used in construction, but it is also found in everyday plastics, including some children’s toys. Vinyl chloride, the chemical used to make PVC, is a known human carcinogen. Also, additives, such as lead and cadmium, are sometimes added to PVC to keep it from breaking down; these additives can be particularly dangerous in children’s toys. PVC is also the least recycled plastic.
Alternative: Avoid plastics that are labeled as “PVC” or “#3.” Look for #1 and #2 plastics, which are easier to recycle and don’t produce as many toxins. Use sustainable construction materials.
Best option: Take action to tell manufacturers to stop using PVC plastics, especially in children’s toys.

10. Plastic forks and spoons
Disposable plastic utensils are not biodegradeable and not recyclable in most areas.
Alternative: Use compostable food service items. Companies such as Biocorp make cutlery from plant materials such as corn starch and cellulose.
Best option: Carry your own utensils and food containers.

11. Farm raised salmon. Several studies, including one performed by researchers at Indiana University, have found that PCB's and other environmental toxins are present at higher levels in farm raised salmon than wild salmon.

Pregnant women, women of child-bearing ages, and children should be very careful when choosing fish due to high levels of environmental toxins including mercury found in many fish. Check out our Safe Seafood Tip Sheet to see what the environmental and health risks posed by different fish.

12. Rayon. Developed and manufactured by DuPont as the world's first synthetic fiber, it is made by from liquefied wood pulp. Unfortunately, turning wood into rayon is wasteful and dirty, because lots of water and chemicals are needed to extract usable fibers from trees. Only about a third of the pulp obtained from a tree will end up in finished rayon thread. The resulting fabrics usually require dry cleaning, which is an environmental concern as well as an added expense and inconvenience.

Much of the our rayon sold comes from developing countries, such as Indonesia, where environmental and labor laws are weak and poorly enforced. There is mounting evidence that rayon clothing manufacturing contributes to significant forest destruction and pollution in other countries.

13. Beauty/Body Care with Phthalates and Parabens. Phthalates are a group of industrial chemicals linked to birth defects that are used in many cosmetic products, from nail polish to deodorant. Parabens are preservatives used in many cosmetics that have been linked to breast cancer though more research is needed. Phthalates are not listed on product labels and can only be detected in laboratory tests. To be safe, choose products from companies that have signed on to the Compact for Safe Cosmetics.

14. Cling Wrap. Many people don't realize that cling wrap may be made with PVC. #3 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) leaches toxins when heated or microwaved and it is an environmental problem throughout its lifecycle.

15. High VOC Paints and Finishes. Volatile organic compounds or VOCs can cause health problems from dizziness to lung and kidney damage and are infamous for polluting both indoor and outdoor air. VOCs are found in products including paints as well as finishes used for wood, such a stains or varnishes. There are now a wide array of low or no-VOC paints on the market. Look for paints certified by Green Seal (

838 Ways to Amuse a Child

My dad found this book called 838 Ways to Amuse a Child at a used bookstore and got it for me awhile back. A few months ago I checked it out and found it pretty amusing. It was published in like 1960, so its really different from modern books about children's activities. For example, it gives ideas like if you want to hike with your child, write a letter to the National Hiking and Camping Association and ask for information. Its all about "correspondence", how to entertain your "convalescent child" while they are "convalescing" and things like that. You know what I mean...these were the days that hobbies listed include "indian lore" and "animal tracking" and things like that. It includes craft ideas on how to make a variety of ugly things, like paper mache fruit that you glue into a wooden bowl to hang on your wall. You know, how to macrame. It also has ideas like how to make a "hobo stove" for camping (take a large, restaurant-sized, tin can, soak corrugated cardboard in paraffin wax, light wax on fire and cook your beans-n-weenies or whatever).

The book got me thinking though, about a simpler time for children. I know, I know, there never was any "good ol' days" and its not like the post-war 50's were all sunshine for people. I'm not saying we should go back to pioneer days when you could expect half your children to die of cholera and a bacterial infection was fatal. But there was a time when childhood obesity was not a problem. I mean like, how on earth can a child get obese? They have insane amounts of energy and love to burn it. But its now an "epidemic" in our country, along with childhood diabetes, ADHD, etc. 838 Ways talks about games to play in the car, games to play at the hotel with your kids while traveling, craft ideas for a kid stuck in bed sick (or convalescing as she loves to say). What do kids in cars do now? They watch the car's DVD player of course. What do they do at home when sick? Watch TV. What do they do in a hotel room? Watch TV. A friend recently related to me a scene she saw at a local restaurant. A child, no older than 3, watching a hand-held DVD player at the restaurant, totally zombified. Our kids are so plugged-in, its scary.

I suggest that plenty of free-play outdoors would eliminate the "epidemic" of childhood obesity. Children revel in simple pleasures and are experts at the art of noticing the small--living in the moment. A child, left to her own devices, will watch an ant-hole for an hour. Even if there was never a time when life was easy and simple, the happy Cleaver family with 2.5 kids, there was a time when children didn't watch TV. Children's programming, including 24 hour "preschool TV" like Sprout is a new phenomenon, only around since I was a kid and Sesame Street came out.

A recent study said that forty percent of infants by THREE MONTHS are "regularly" watching TV or videos. How in the HELL does a 3 month old watch TV? Its sickening. Never mind that the American Academy of Pediatrics says that watching any TV before the age of 2 YEARS is damaging to a child's brain development. Other studies point out alarming facts such as 66% of kids age 8 or older have a TV in their room. More than 80% of American kids watch MORE than 2 hours per day.

If you have kids, try to simplify their lives, too. Less exposure to commercials means they won't develop the desire to mindlessly consume. My mother's friend told me that her friend's children who are TV-free asked for matching umbrellas and rain boots for christmas, instead of the latest toy fad. They simply weren't aware of the latest toy fads. I think that is so precious. Kids need to experience nature. They need to experience the world. Limit their TV time by A LOT. Or just get rid of it. You'd be surprised at the ways they come up with to entertain themselves.

Monday, May 21, 2007

"Local" is the new organic

I think it's awesome that so many people are taking a look here and getting ideas. It really helps keep me focused, and it re-inspires me when it inspires others to take action.

I have talked to several people about this, and I agree that it can't all be on the individual. Of course our society needs to make big changes. There needs to be new laws, regulations, systems in place. It is incredibly difficult to succeed without an infrastructure to support you. For example, if we want to go to Salem, how are we supposed to do that without driving? You pretty much have to drive. Yes, you can carpool, go less often, buy an efficient car or borrow a flexcar. But taking the train or bus is totally impractical. My brother rode his bike a few weeks ago, but I would probably pass out and die if I tried that. Wouldn't a real commuter train that connected all the cities in the Willamette valley be great? Of course it would. But just because society doesn't support environmentally conscious choices, that doesn't absolve us of personal responsibility. We still need to do what we can. We can't control what other people do, or what our legislators do. All we can control is what WE choose to do. Hopefully it sets an example for others. Making a mindful choice to recognize that we can only control our own actions frees us from comparing ourselves to others, guilt and saying "well, no one else does it, so i guess i won't either."

It is frustrating that our choices are so counter-intuitive. For example, it is cheaper to drive than to take Tri-met most of the time. Its cheaper to buy factory-farmed eggs than local, sustainable ones. Even though factory farming is hideously unsustainable, it is subsidized by the government, by cheap fuel, by the environmental damages that future generations will have to deal with. Still, we have to suck it up and support more expensive sustainable choices. Only by doing so will things eventually reflect their true costs.

If you don't have a CSA in your area, look for farmer's markets. If you don't have a co-op in your area, consider starting a bulk buying club with friends. Buy things in large quantities and then divy it up amongst yourselves. There have been a lot of things lately about local eating. Local is the new organic.
It is almost more important to eat locally and in-season than to eat organic. What good is organic if its shipped 3000 miles? The amount of carbon and pollution from that shipment overshadows the good of it being organic. More and more people are looking for local options.

Ok, back to our goals. Today was my first shopping trip since we have set our goals. For dinners this week I decided on: Spinach pesto from scratch (the sauce, not the pasta), greek bean/rice burritos (with spinach and kalamata olives), ethiopian food (i finally found teff to make the bread! its mostly split peas, lentils, greens and stuff to go on the bread), and nachos.

I went to the co-op. Elsie goes to school Monday AMs and i was torn about driving. Its about a mile and a half. Since Jay is working longer (10 hour) days this week, he is driving. Its sad that a 15 minute car ride takes an hour on the bus. It makes it so hard if he works late because it would mean he gets home at 8:00 instead of 7:00. Ok, so he was already driving. As I said before, I can't put Emmett in a bike trailer yet, so its either walk or drive (or bus). It takes me about 40 minutes to walk that, about 4 to drive. I reconciled this by grouping it with a shopping trip to the co-op (as i said, i'm not ready to bus to the grocery store with kids or kid in tow). I brought my cloth shopping bags, my own tupperware, my own used plastic bags (bread bags, already used produce/bulk bags, etc.). I got everything in bulk, even tofu. The thing i love about the co-op is you can buy half and half or milk in glass and then bring the glass back and they re-use it. I think its the only place in town that does that.

I struggled with the local option. That is going to be the hardest, and probably going to require me to revise the goal of "nothing more than 1000 miles away". first of all, because you just don't know where some stuff comes from. The product might be made in california, or even oregon, but where was the flour or sesame seeds its made of grown? There is really no way to know that. The biggest thing that i changed my mind about was dried mangos, because they were from mexico. So i bought dried apples from washington state instead. The yogurt and half and half were local. The co-op lets you borrow or leave plastic containers for re-use, too. They even have bulk corn chips. The main dilemma was about tortillas. One was made in New York, but had more reusable packaging. The other was made in Eugene, OR. SO i went with the local. You can reuse that packaging, its just not the zip-lock kind of resealable tortilla package (know what i mean?).

The other choices I made today were taking my own coffee cup (we were out this morning, so i got some at the co-op.), also the temperature has dropped today and it was in the 50s last night so when i got up the house was 61 degrees. I was tempted to turn on the heat, which has been off for 3 weeks, but then i just put on a bunch of clothes. Its hard for me because i hate being cold. but 61 isn't TOO cold to just put on 3 layers. RIght now, while i'm changing habits, i have to think about almost every single choice i make. Should i buy this? is it sustainable? do i need the heat on? what impact does action X have? i think the longer we get into sustainable habits, it starts to require less thought and diligence.

Last thought of the day: have you noticed that things that are good for the environment, are also good for community? For example, you interact with your neighbors when you are out line-drying your clothes or gardening. You talk to people on the bus. You share supplies to help decrease waste with others at the co-op. You don't talk to people when you drive or sit in your house and watch TV.
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