Thursday, July 5, 2007

Party pooper

Ok, I'm going to be negative about one of our country's favorite past-times, and I really don't care if I sound like I'm bitter and jaded (which I am, but that's beside the point).

I HATE THE EFFING FOURTH OF JULY. Blowing things up is for morons.

In addition to the outrageous noise level (which pisses me off to no end) that starts about a week before and goes about a week after the actual holiday, it is horrible for the environment.

To quote (and slightly amend) another blog I saw: The smoke made by fireworks is densely sulphurous, highly acidic and contains a lot of greenhouse gases. Fireworks dump toxic metals like lead, arsenic and mercury into the atmosphere. Besides frightening animals, fireworks poison the environment in a way that is insidious and totally unnecessary. They generate tons of waste. Please limit the number you buy and use to a carefully selected few. Try using lasers, fountains, balloons and musical instruments to celebrate your country rather than turning it into a toxic waste dump.

Our neighborhood last night sounded like a war zone. It was insane. I didn't get to sleep until 3am and that really, really ticked me off. I ended up exchanging heated words with our neighbors. Some people are so inconsiderate. You live in a city. There are very old and very young people here and lots of pets, none of whom appreciate the insane racket you are making. If it was truly just one night, that would be one thing, but it goes on and on and on... and people doing it after midnight are just jerks. That is all there is to it.

I'm so sick of the American "self-entitlement" attitude (as exhibited by my jerk neighbors). You do not have a right to do fireworks. We have access to so many forms of entertainment in this country, but when it is suggested that we stop one (for very good reasons) such as fireworks, the circus, dog racing, etc. people flip out. We are entitled to do whatever we want! We are the greatest nation on earth! Blowing stuff up and generating tons of waste and being obnoxious and is the most American holiday out there.

The amount of fires set yesterday in Oregon is astounding. New York state banned all fireworks and it was AWESOME. It was so quiet on the 4th, you couldn't hear anything, except maybe a few sparklers. I wish Oregon would follow suit.

Ok, rant done.

1 comment:

Little Acorn Learning said...

I really thought I was the only one. Dh thinks I'm such a "grandma" when it comes to the 4th but having young children who need to sleep really makes you realize how inconsiderate others can be. And, I can only imagine how it is affecting outdoor animals as my dog is always terrified. At least we dont have to deal for another year.. whew:)

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