Friday, July 11, 2008

our garden

This year we planted a TON of broccoli. We also were more strategic about where things are located. We had a lot of volunteer sunflowers and tomatoes. oh yes, and jay and elsie made a scarecrow out of scrap lumber. Crows must be pretty dumb because they really don't go in the garden anymore. Now we just need a scareslug.
From front to back we have: zuchinni, oregano, cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, basil, strawberries, turnips, beets, sunflowers, broccoli, lettuce, spinach (gone now), cilantro and more spinach (just planted), lettuce, sweet snap peas, parsley, radishes, more broccoli, kale (2 kinds), collard greens and more broccoli. In the way back is a very young raspberry bush that didn't produce this year. Otherwise its been a very good year so far since we planted in march and had good results from that. We will also plant our winter stuff earlier this year (like in august).

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