Sunday, February 24, 2008

Getting rid of stuff is addictive

This weekend we totally gutted our closet and got rid of 3 giant bags of clothes. I went to a clothing swap with a bunch of lovely ladies and got some great new clothes, too! It was awesome.

Went to goodwill and found some nice sheets for our bed. Nice to not have to buy them new.

Also totally cleaned out bathroom, and organized cleaning supplies and meds, etc. in the hallway closet. Got rid of some linens we don't use. We are now officially a chemical-free household and are cleaning everything with castille soap, baking soda, and vinegar. we gave away some still useable cleaners that are not so eco-friendly. seemed like a better thing to do than just toss them.

we gave away about 100 things this weekend, mostly toys, kids' books, etc. an old laptop, and a few other misc things.

organized the cups cabinet in the kitchen and got rid of some unused cups. we are now a plastic-free drinking container household, only having glasses to drink out of. there are a few BPA-free sippy cups that are plastic (and they are recycleable).

I also organized and swept out the garage and cleaned up the laundry area! woo!

now i just need to organize and declutter the office closet and today we are going to steam clean the carpet w/ vinegar and baking soda.

I also need to organize the other kitchen cupboards, especially where we keep the spices. i'm not entirely sure how to do that one yet.

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