We've come to a nexus in our life that requires us to make a decision. Are we going to move onward and upward with getting jobs, buying a house, keep renting, take on full time teaching, leave portland, or what?
The shelter where barry is located was contacted by Multnomah county animal control. They are now claiming they didn't know that he was "officially" designated as a dangerous dog. All that means is that the mailman filed a complaint. They are now saying its a liability...why is it a liability if he is classified this way vs. if it is known that he did bite the mailman?
So we are facing a choice: find him a home out of county somehow? take him back and move? have him euthanized?
This dog does not deserve to die. If he was aggressive, I would be the first to recommend euthanasia. But he's not. He needs a yard with no mailman access. Its not like the guy got mauled. He got a scrape on his hand. USPS and the county are acting like he's a pitbull capable of killing someone...
We've been talking about moving for awhile. I feel like I just finally broke down last night. The idea of killing our friendly dog, the idea of me being incredibly stressed out working full time, me missing my children's babyhood/last year before school because I am too busy working, working and working and working and just barely paying for our rent and utilities and food and student loans...
We are now seriously looking into relocating into a yurt. On my mom's farm.
Before you get all freaked out that we are going to move into a tent, look at the pictures. This is a large structure on a platform that has a kitchen and everything.
This yurt is totally off grid...a composting toilet, solar panels, rain water catchment system, solar shower.... there is no need for any utility bills. It has a woodstove for heat. Its about 600 square feet plus a loft for the sleeping area. The picture at the top is the kitchen. It basically drains the kitchen sink and then shower onto cobbles on the ground. that's about it. as sustainable as is humanly possible without really roughing it.
If we ever get our own land, we can move it. The whole thing. We dont need to work much to pay for it. I can keep subbing and jay can work. We can grow a lot of our own food and have chickens and maybe more.
We are seriously considering it. Seriously.
I applaud you for considering this, and I would encourage you to go ahead with the plans. Don't feel weird about what people might say, don't worry about the struggles to get there (aren't there enough as I type?). Just do it. For you, your family. It will be lovely to live peacefully, with control over your lives.
I hope one day we can take a big step like this. For now it seems we're working on some of the 'smaller' stuff.
:) You inspired me, though!
i think it would kick ass for you guys to move to a yurt ... just think about how satisfying it would be to be off the grid and have more control over your living environment. and it's beautiful where your mom lives! and, chickens!
mainly, though, i am jealous that you are doing garden-related things right now. it just snowed a bunch more last night here and the only sign of spring i've seen is a bird that MIGHT have been a robin.
Absolutly go for it! It sound perfect and so eco-friendly! It seems like a place that encourages families to stay close and not be distracted by the owrld too much. I wish you the best and I'm looking forward to checking ut your posts since I just found you! :)
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